Bricks 4 Kidz is an international franchise founded by Michelle Cote in St. Augustine, FL. Bricks 4 Kidz has been a successful and fast growing franchise since
Today, Bricks 4 Kidz has grown to over 100 franchises worldwide and is the first master franchise of its kind in Kuwait since 2011.
The Directorof Bricks 4 Kidz in Kuwait, Dr. Hind Al-Robah, is the first to establish the fra
nchise in the Middle-East. She is the chairwoman of Awan International Group (Ltd.) and the
founder of Active Parenting in the Middle-East and North Africa.
Dr. Hind recognized the need to offer young learners with fun and attractive activities in tandem with structured learning. The Bricks 4 Kidz?? program accomplishes just t
hat and uses LEGO? as an engaging tool to teach concepts of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
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